Saturday, 17 December 2011

The Characteristics of a Master Sales Closer:

The Characteristics of a Master Sales Closer:

When you are in sales, closing is as important as your sales pitch. Without the closing spiel, you aren’t assured of a sale and you might even leave things hanging. If you’re in sales as your profession then you should have a very convincing closing to end your sales pitch and ensure that a sale does indeed happen and that you haven’t wasted your time and getting no results for it. After analysing closely, I have come up with some characteristic and ingredients must possess by a Master Sales Closer.

1. Shows no fear: Never ‘pushy’ and does not resolve to hard sell. No signs of weakness and vulnerability to rejection. The master sales closer is confident and relaxed, and lets the conversation take its own course and move at its own pace. He wants the prospect to buy but understands the pace that needs to be at.

2. Not selling just for the commission: Profound genuine belief in the value of what he is selling. Matching the right people to the right product /service.

3. Never gets down on herself/himself: Knows how to control his inner critic. May use errors to improve but never as a stick to beat himself with.

4. Very organized and straightforward in asking for action: “Here’s how we will get started”

5. Understands the prospect has doubts, fears and the temptation to avoid confrontation too: A Master Sales Closer understands their job is to close sales more than anything else. Knows the prospect wants him to be firm, convinced, and reassuring to help the prospect act rather than avoid/postpone a decision.

6. Immune to rejection: Never taking questions, objections or refusal personally.

7. Come across like a consultant: Make sure not to pretend yourself to be the one who just want to sell, rather be a consultant instead.

8. Avoid all negative influences and distractions: Committed and focused on the objective

9. Master closers are competitive yet remarkably stress free: A master sales closer competes with himself and his goals, records but rarely competes against others.

10. They celebrate success: Without guilt!

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