Wednesday, 10 October 2012

6 Qualities of a Successful Sales Pitch

6 Qualities of a Successful Sales Pitch
Even if you don't think you're a salesperson, you should learn the following qualities of a successful sales pitch, because you will have to sell your brand to achieve your goals.If you go in with the idea that you are just going to talk, talk, talk, and make the sale, it’s going to be a struggle. But if you go in with the idea that you are going to have a conversation and build a relationship with the prospect, you’ll have a much better success rate. I have come up with six simple yet effective qualities of a successful Sales Pitch, which are:

1.  Confidence.
 The most important factor when engaging anyone, from influential executives to potential investors in your brand, is to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. You need to be confident in your personality, appearance, skills, and overall presentation and project this at all times.

2.  Preparation. You should always be prepared to represent your brand; you never know when you will be placed in a situation that might be advantageous. To be prepared is to be ready for success at all times.

3.  Research. Learn about your audience-whether it's a client, manager, or investor-before you even meet them. Google their name and try to learn who they are and how you should engage them. Your audience will be impressed if you can show you're aware of their achievements.

4.  Delivery. To deliver a successful pitch, remember to say something concrete, important, and achievable.

5.  Speed. Sometimes you are given very little time to deliver your pitch, so make the most of it. This means you have to be ready to unleash your best ideas quickly and get to the point.

6.  Follow-up. Whether you succeed or fail with delivery, there is always opportunity for follow-up. Showing that you are interested in a person or the company is seen as positive.

Your audience has to embrace your brand for you to achieve your dreams. Think of an interview as you selling yourself (the product) to a hiring manager (audience)-if you've developed a convincing pitch, you will be a valuable and marketable brand.

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